
I started drawing at the age of 5, at which time my parents sent me to a design and architecture school. A little later, I began to study in parallel at the school of traditional drawing. I can say that I studied art from different angles, studying graphics, architecture, concept development, as well as painting and sculpture. At the age of 16, I was accepted into a general education school with an architectural focus. And after such a serious preparation, I entered the architectural university without any problems. At that time, I was completely sure that my career would take place as an architect. I devoted a lot of myself to this, there were many sleepless nights, and at one point I burned out. Including the drawing, it was difficult to force myself to pick up a pencil. But in my second year, I met a man who was so passionate about his work that he was able to charge and motivate me. This was an art teacher. I am very grateful to her.

The holidays came, my girlfriend and I went to the mountains and there I decided to draw for myself for the first time in several years. I only took a sketchbook and a pen from my art supplies shelf that I got every birthday and didn’t use it for years.

After the first sketch, I felt that I liked it. After classes, I walked down the street in headphones and drew different buildings until late. Since then, I started to maintain an Instagram page and began to share my drawings, at first just with friends, but I was noticed by many people who were inspired by my drawings. And this was another impetus to my development in drawing.

But the funniest thing is when I shared my story on TikTok, where I have almost half a million followers. In the comments, a girl wrote to me that she was also encouraged to draw by a painting teacher. I contacted this girl, and it turned out that we studied at the same university with the same teacher, only with a difference of 5 years. Such an interesting fact.

If you have already seen my work, you probably know that I love to draw picturesque ruined little houses. To me, they look like a living organism, with scuffs, moss-covered roofs, crumbling walls. I like that over time they merge with nature and become one with the environment. But also this experience helps me a lot in large concept art, like the work that is on display. Because I have learned how to convey an infinite number of different textures, destroyed bricks, rusty metal, various kinds of plants, wood, and I apply this knowledge without hesitation in my other works. So I draw inspiration from architecture and nature.

Almost all of my work I create manually with a liner on paper in black and white graphics. The lines and style that I use have evolved throughout the time that I draw for myself. Now I mainly create large conceptual very detailed works. This process takes from 2 to 5 months per work. So if you are interested in my work, join my large creative family, where we grow and develop together.

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